Black spur labradors

Family dogs - bird hunters

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My kids and I are first-time breeders and lifelong dog owners. I’ve lived with Dobermans, Schnauzers, Setters, and Labs. I have thirty years experience chasing upland birds behind my dogs and friends’ dogs. I helped my parents with a breeding of our Dobermans when I was 12 and have wanted to do a litter of my own ever since. Now is that time.

My wife was ill with pancreatic cancer for over four years. During that time, we brought Drake into the family. He was an easy puppy, but soon became a therapy dog for my wife. It was as if he knew he had another job. He has always been very laid back at home, but birds, bumpers and balls turn his dial to a 10! Drake is an average sized male at 70 pounds of solid athletic muscle.

We brought Elsie home three years ago when our family needed a lift. My wife had recently passed and we were looking for an outlet for our grief. Elsie is very smart and easy to train. She is also more intense than Drake in every way. She even loves you with intensity. She lives to hunt and retrieve the bumper with her 110% style. Elsie relieably retrieves to hand. She is a densely-muscled 60 pounds.

Both Elsie and Drake want to please us more than anything else. They are wonderful family dogs. We do not expect the puppies to go only go to hunting homes, but do ask that the dog becomes part of your family. They will require daily exercise (physical and mental).

The puppies were born late Sunday Aug 11th (5 males and 4 females). They are all yellows and are in a range from red like Drake to medium yellow like Elsie, to a lighter blonde. Puppies will have a 24 health guarantee against congenital defects and a 36 month guarantee on OFA hips, elbows and eyes.

Drake pedigree and OFA

Elsie and Drake Gallery

Puppy pics


Photo credit
